Jan 11, 2006 02:00
Okay, I need to vent...I seriously need to vent, so bear with me if you read, because writting everything out should get some tension off my chest.
Alright, so yesterday me and my mom needed to take my grandma to see her primary care doctor for an unnecessary appoinment we had no idea what was even about. Let me say now it is extremely difficult for my grandma to get around seeing her hip is bone on bone. We take her and she is in there for over an hour (with no one even in the waiting room). She has already had all of her pre-surgery and pre-admission testings done, and the surgeon said she was already to go. So she comes out saying they had to do this this and this...when she already had it done...they never sent over any of her files (LACK OF COMMUNICATION!) So okay...then she said it wasn't even her doctor who saw her, but the nurse practicioner. (Who is in fact her primary docters "partner", which should play an important part later)..anyways, she said that she gave her a prescription for the inflamation in her hip...the prescription she had was for PRILOSEC OTC which is for HEARTBURN!
So I ask my grandma, do you have heartburn? No she doesn't....I'll get back to this in a minute because it's important.
Alright...things still okay, we get a phone call from her doctor that night. She tells us that they can NOT give her clearnace for her surgery because of the mass that was found in her stomach over a year ago...
I will digress here to explain last year. They found a large calcified mass in her stomach after my grandma had a fall, and at the time another asshole of a doctor called my mom telling her that she has cancer and will need immediate surgery and kemo therapy. That killed us all right there...but thank GOD it wasn't cancer, or a tumor, but just a benign calcified mass that has never caused any problems or bleeding what so ever. She had a biopsy and everything...it's fine.
So back to the phone call...her doctor says...
"We discussed it after looking things over and we don't want to risk the surgery because the growth, tumor...in her stomach might bleed under anesthesia." Alright...so my mom is just like, "what do you mean, you're calling us now to tell us this less than 2 weeks before her surgery?...the mri you're looking at is over a year old and it hasn't caused any problms since and NOW you want to throw a wrench into all of this and have her loose her surgery date?"
Then her doctor tells us she wants her to go see a PANCREATIC specalist in worcester because now she might have something wrong with her pancrease???
Tearfully my mom is yelling, "You would rather have her wheelchair bound to go to worcester to cut her open and mess with her stomach and pancrease when there is nothing wrong there?? THAT is what will kill her." Whenever you go messing around with something that isn't even causeing problems, it sets off a chain reaction and that is when you quickly deteriorate and die. My mom says she will bleed to death if they do THAT, not the anesthesia. The mass was so calcifified that it takes YEARS for it to get that way, and I'll bet you any amount of money that she could have had that mass in her stomach during previous surgeries and it was fine. she could have formed it in her 20's.
The funny part is she gave my mom lip about whose the docter here and my mom snapped back at her, "I WORK IN ONCOLOGY!" Damn straight and for over 25 years miss nurse practicioner. THAT must of knocked her down a couple pegs, haha.
But she was still arguing to the point where my mom says she'll have the surgeon sign a waver in case anything does happen, which it won't, because she can't live like this anymore. (now i'm in tears.) My grandma told me that everyweek the pain is worse and worse and that she can't wait to just get the surgery.
Her doctor would rather put off the surgery because of something like this? The only reason her doctor wants to keep sending her to worcester in the first place for ANY of this, stomach, pancrease, is because everytime she makes a referal to anyone in worcester she gets paid alot of money....plain and simple...seeing how they're all loosing patients.
Another reason how we know NOTHING is wrong with the pancrease and she doesn't have pancreatic cancer is becaues she'd be dead by now. Pancreatic cancer is a fast killer. she would have been dead in a year...and guess what! It's been over a year!
Fucking 2bit docter in webster. Like my uncle says she will have her surgery on that date and thats it! The surgeon didn't even know any of what she was telling my mom on the phone...duhhh, if he clears it "she's out of our hands" to quote her doctor the last hip surgery she had.
I will not let her put her on morphine because of a delayed surgery which will turn into no surgery because of the morphine (almost like last time) because of an idiotic incompitent doctor who is trying to give her a death sentence....that's what it is...delaying surgery will Kill her...doesn't she fucking see that. My mom was just like "she is 87 years old...she'll be the first to tell you that she's ready to die, give her some comfort and let her have her hip surgery."
God...I think this is why I've drank so much this vacation...
her surgeon will call us tomorrow...today...to let us know about the surgery after hearing what her fucking doctor had to say...my dad was like, "After her surgery we're getting her files and getting her a new doctor." And here is where her doctor being a lesbian comes into play...if she doesn't want a new doctor, all we have to do is tell her, "you're doctor and her practicioner are a lesbian couple" and that should take care of that haha. (don't get me wrong, I have nothing againt lesbians, but my grandma does."
So about that heartburn medicine she doesn't need...it was a ploy to get her to go and see her so that they have on record that they saw her so they could pull this stunt. So I believe they lied to her telling her the prilosec was for her hip...because when we asked my grandma what the prilosec was for her exact words were, "for the inflammation in my hip"...Thats why I asked if she had heartburn...
I'm done because my stomach is in knots right now. I'm sure I forgot to mention something, but I think you get the idea...Everything is sinking in right now...I just keep telling myself she will have the surgery because if she doesn't she will be die much sooner with out it...besides the hip her mind is fine! usually its the mind you have to worry about....
I'm gonna be sick...
Thank you for reading.