(no subject)

Jun 03, 2005 01:20

As the date nears closer to my departure, I think to myself.

I always long for the opposite of wherever I am. If I'm in San Francisco, I long for the beaches and sunshine and glamour of Los Angeles. If I'm down South, I long for the liberal, political, care-free, bohemian lifestyles of San Francisco. In America, I long for the liberating, lively, bussling centeres of Europe. If Im in Europe (for a prolonged period of time that is), I long for the sunshine and relaxedness of California.

Oh well, I shouldn't worry of this anyway.

I really hope my parents don't get caught with the pot that is being smoked in the house. If someone lets on to the police that we have been smoking here, my dad will go back to prison and we will have to sell everything and I would have to drop out of school... Please don't let anything happen.

I think I should start heading off, I think the marijuana is getting to my brain. Not to mention I have this raging account of eye irritation that is causing me to tear up and itch in the most peculiar way. Or it could be that I need to remove my lenses of contact from my face. Or it could be that I just rubbed it and all the dirt that was on my hand is now in my eye and that is why it is becoming more and more irritated because I just keep rubbing it like this. Oh dear GOD I think this is killing me!!!

hahahahhaahhahahaha no I don't. Ooo ahahahah....
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