May 01, 2004 01:12
I just got back from prom. It was soooo much fun. I learned how to dance at dances, well i think i did, you can't really see how you dance with out a mirror. My shoes started to hurt, so i took them off. Never in my entire have i steped on so many rose petals. Poor jenn, she had to deal with a perverted Maison freak dance attack. And a sweaty Charlos attck, but other than that it was just a prom, not that i've been to any others to compare it to, oh well. So right now i'm sitting drinking gatorade and eattin' some nutta buttaaas!
I'm so excited to see mean girls hopefully tomarrow. I know it will be the best movie ever beside Dirty Dancing Havana Nights of course.
Yeah y yeah I'm borderline!!- watch out!!