Nov 05, 2008 12:11
So I woke up at 6 am and stumbled into the shower, got dressed, and ran down the street to facilities. I didn't dry my hair prior to running down the hill, which is probably why I now have a hellish cold and a raw throat. Oh well. I took some tape and decked out the van with some tinsel mother gave me for the 04 election (when she thought I'd be in the college republicans) as well as some ex-michaud signs turned to Vote Van signs. I then took it up to the student center, picked up most of the crew (the republicans didn't get back to me, so twas only us) and we went to Irvings to drop a little less than $100 on a delicious breakfast to fuel us until lunch time. Very good. From there Craig & Kristen manned the table, Keith & Dave & later Nancy & Hazel did the flyer handouts, and at 11:30 after a great subway sandwich, Christine told us that- guess what? Walmart doesn't take purchase orders anymore. AWESOME. I did van work until 4, taking roughly 70 people to the polls of varying ages. 68 were Obama kids. Christine picked me up & I got rid of my dead shoes, then headed to table & chat with Dave, Keith, Kristen, and Craig. The French kids & Cathy were excited to have election balloons. Bill Moss is the only person on WUMF I have ever heard who can do fair & balanced politics. At 6:30 we migrated to the Granary for a filling but wonderful dinner. After what was a ridiculous amount of errors with the receipts, we did get the bill- $317.01. Amazing!
We went back to Dave's to watch the election results, which was a good time. There were some upsets in what I had thought would happen. I had thought that Virginia would have officially gone blue a fuckton sooner than it did, and it had us biting out nails. Everyone, esp. Dave & I, relaxed a LOT more once that happened. Pennsylvania went blue, which wasn't a surprise, but very good to finally see. Ohio surprised me, I'm not gonna lie. I held hope for it, but I wasn't counting on us getting it. When it turned blue BEFORE virginia it definitely was a shocker. I had thought Georgia would flip, even though Obama was down, but it stayed red. I had never cast a passing thought to Indiana, and they were a player in this. Florida even went blue, which I had been cautious about. And Colorado? I was 50-50 on that. Jesusland definitely got shaken up, though the victories in many cases were by tight margins.
McCain's concession speech pissed me off a few times, but it could have been worse. Seeing Sarah Palin cry was an odd feeling. I have some weird feelings about Sarah Palin- I don't like her, but I have some respect for her and how she hasn't always been running neatly with McCain. Barack's speech was wonderful, a few of us cried, but it was just amazing. Just simply amazing.
About this time we tried harder to get hold of Ann. She did stop in to say hi, take pictures, and to give us an update. Kingfiled & Belgrade's results were still being counted, and it was 49-51 Gooley. We did a toast to Ann, and many of us were up very very late to hear from her. She told us that Janet had won (big shocker there) and later that Angela had lost in Jay by a large amount. Collins & Allen were much closer than any of us expected. A part of me wishes I had switched my vote, but I am glad that someone who will do something will be in office, even if I don't always agree with how she had voted on some things. I was amazed it was so close- Allen gave Collins a run for her money.
We hung around Dave's until 1:30 and then headed back to the dorms, singing the Obama song (a spin off of the Kennedy For Me political jingle) and headed up to bed. I checked the results, and Ann lost to Gooley- barely. I can't believe that she lost becauseshe had her shit together, she's so smart, and she's one of the most wonderful people I've ever met. But she faced a very uphill battle. She's a younger democrat woman in a region full of old conservative republicans. She's worked quietly in the background while he has been the Christmas tree man. I'm hoping that she runs again against him, or for Janet's seat when she goes to be attorney general.
damn, what a night.
indecision 2008