Feb 04, 2017 07:27
After the effects of Election Day I was in shock like most folks. I'm not running around yelling "he's not my president" because the oompa loompa in chief is now our POTUS.
I held on to some hope that this would get the DNC to wake fuck up that they need Dean or someone capable who isnt Dean running them because really, who do we have for strong leadership? I love Bernie, but no. Hillary was shown what the country thinks of her, and she's fallen off the map. Warren is still best where she is but could be a sick VP. Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, and HEIDI HEITCAMP would be great to see looking to run higher. I think a woman can be president- but not Clinton again. Kammala would send the racist-sexist camps off the deep end, but I see her being like Obama- young, appealing to voters who want some fresh air, and a good new face for the party. Ok, I'm a fangirl. Klobuchar and Heitcamp would give their neck if the woods a more national spotlight, and the electoral map needs that. Biden, Patrick, or Cuomo could run I suppose.
indecision 2020