Dec 20, 2011 18:00
Don't lie to FEMA.
Don't lie to the State of VT.
Don't lie to your kids.
Don't lie to my coworkers.
Don't you dare fucking look me in the eye & lie to me.
I met a woman today whose house is about to collapse on top of her.
She has lied to all of the above. Because of this, all of her state benefits are ending, and no, the state will not be paying $80 a night for you for 84 days because you can't tell the truth after 4 months. You make your own bed, and you could have stopped this from happening. You blew FEMA money on who knows what; it's no one's fault but your own.
She's coming back tomorrow morning; I can't tell her she's being shut off & investigated by the state, but I can tell her again that I don't like liars, ma'am, thank you very much and you have yourself a most merry christmas.
I'm the least of her problems, believe me, but the whole thing eats at me.