Nov 23, 2009 08:02
UPDATE: Actually, the meeting wasn't nervewracking, surprisingly, but I was disgusted by several people who are heavy-hitters and leaders in the social work world in Rutland who were unprofessional. One of the girls has a lot of avarice, and it's almost unnerving. I would expect it in a lot of fields outside of this one, but here not so much... it is sad to see how some people talk about their clients. I mean, there is normal bitching and letting off steam to coworkers, but amongst a group of professionals across the city? This isn't a teacher's lounge. Grow a pair and grow the fuck up.
If nothing else, today was a valuable lesson in how fucked the system is.
As far as actually valuable information, there were some referrals suggested, but none I could make in good faith or in good conscience. There are some lines I just cannot morally cross. Regardless if I even did cross them, the outcome is going to be the same. This guy is going to freeze to death, alone.
I told J. that that's what bothers me so much about this case. This client will die. There's no sugar coating, there's no band-aid, there's nothing. We're going to sit, and we're going to watch him die. He will be the only one this will happen to all winter but it will happen. And everyone knows it.
I have to go before an Adult Lit board today. That's when you go before all the heavy hitters in the Rutland social area, represent a client, and beg for ideas to help him and for other services to offer their help.
I'm scared fucking shitless.
I went to one of these meetings just to sit in and see what it was about. It was horribly uncomfortable, and you see what community partners are selfish pricks and really have their best interests in mind. These are the minority, but I was shaking in my seat when I was there, my hands were shaking. It was a very unpleasant and intense meeting. Being the person speaking on behalf of a homeless mentally ill and physically ill man that I know no one else cares about makes me dread this even more. This is the fellow who I'm basically watching deteriorate. I haven't seen him all month, as his receiving his SSI checks have let him eat better and get whatever he wants. But he's still my client, he's still homeless, and he needs help. I don't expect the mental health group will be of any help; they're on my shit list.