Jul 06, 2004 18:04
i'm at streetworks now [drop in center for homeless youth]. theyre eating dinner. i'm on the computer cause i do not want to deplete the resources i guess. it's been one hell of a day. Sari is here < she looks very cute. 2;44pm Angel and i came here initially to inquire about an employment agency in the city [he hasnt yet been able to get a job. damn those motherfuckers] but the people and the environment of Streetworks seduced us into staying past 6pm.
he's in the little room now consulting with his [and my] new counselor [Linda]. that is the room that niko and i were first given tips on safe shooting [Patrick pretty much walked us through the process of injecting heroin; "oops! I pricked myself]. yes, yes alot has changed since the last time i was here.
i'm working on a little contribution to the mural that Mack had started. it is generally called, "The Constipated Woman." i first invented her while sitting on the lawn in Thompkins Square. she has progressed into many many forms.
they have just turned on some music [Wu Tang].
okay, i guess i better quit hogging the machine and let these fine folk ulitise it for a while.
oh, Todd and Niko, you guys should make time to hang out with us. so go.. and get to it