Dec 07, 2004 17:57
Without sounding like an overreacting fifteen year old girl, today was the worst day of my life so far. and that's saying something. "don't even get me started"
*One good thing that happened:
Mr. Bonagura, bless his heart, came up to me in the hallway and said "Salve, Danielle! Guess what day it is today!"
Me: I don't know, you tell me.
Bonagura: It's been 2746 years (I totally just made that up, i don't remember what the real # was) since the murder of Cicero!
Me: Cool. (in my completely unemotional Daria voice)
Sunday we're going to the city, and I'm going to meet his wife, who is with child according to Kris. If he names his son Cicero Bonagura my life will be complete.
*One horrible thing that happened:
You know how I have an A in history, that would be an A+++++ if I actually did my homework, well- the one day I actually did my homework- in legible handwriting and I FUCKING HIGHLIGHTED IT- she did not check our fucking work..and she ALWAYS checks. If we didn't have off tomorrow, I'd pop a cap on sancho.