Available Characters

May 18, 2010 12:45

If you would like to reserve a character so you have adequate time to fill out the application, feel free to ask. We will hold the character for 3 days. Please send an application before the holding time is up. If we do not receive an application from you, then the character will become available again.

A strikethrough means the character is taken.
Bolded means the character is strongly wanted in gameplay!

Doctor Who

Tenth Doctor
Rose Tyler
Jackie Tyler
Mickey Smith
Martha Jones
Donna Noble
Sarah Jane Smith
The Master

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy Summers
Willow Rosenberg
Xander Harris
Dawn Summers
Anya Jenkins
Rupert Giles: Reserved
Tara Maclay
Riley Finn


Captain Jack Harkness
Gwen Cooper
Ianto Jones
Owen Harper
Toshiko Sato
Rhys Williams
Captain John Hart


Cordelia Chase
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Charles Gunn
Faith Lehane
Lindsey McDonald
Lilah Morgan
Kate Lockley

If you see a character that is not listed and you'd like to request them, please don't hesitate to apply for them!
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