Round 5: Challenge 10: Voting

Jan 28, 2009 09:07

Alright guys, welcome to the voting for our very last challenge of Round 5!
I'm pretty sure I'm going to take a month long break and bring this community back in March. I've had some trouble keeping up with things and hopefully by then life will have calmed down a little, and if not, then I'll just take on a co-mod. So no matter what we'll be back in March!

Also, I could REALLY use some voting help over at tv_rumble please oh please vote here:

Now onto our voting! boo___you_whore is skipping this challenge.

You do not need to be signed up, or even be a member to vote, you just need an lj!
-Vote for your 3 favorites. Remember, you're voting on the quality of the icons!
-Please provide a reasons for why you've picked the icons, this is NOT mandatory, as long as you vote for 3 icons, your vote will be counted.
-If you vote for more or less than 3 icons, your votes will not be counted.
-Voting is not weighed, so you don't have to vote in order of preference
-Do NOT vote for yourself, or get your friends to vote for you. (However you CAN ask your friends to vote, just don't tell them which icons are yours, or which ones to vote for).
-Voting is screened.

Voting Sample
# : reason (optional, but would be appreciated)
# : reason (optional, but would be appreciated)
# : reason (optional, but would be appreciated)




voting, round 5, challenge 10

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