Congratulations to the winners! Check your score
here in the sign up post!
1st Place: (3 points)
endlessdeep 2nd Place: (2 points)
scarlet_braids 3rd Place: (1 point)
maharet83 Special Category: (1 point)
endlessdeep Voting rundown:
Icons with stars next to them recieved comments with their votes. Not everyone left comments, so the number of comments may not match the number of votes you recieved.
1 - 1
2 - 5 - SC: 1*
3 - 2
4 - 2*
5 - 7 - SC: 4*
6 - 1*
7 - 3 - SC: 1*
8 - 2 - SC: 2*
9 - 4 - SC: 1*
If you would like to see your votes, leave a comment in this post with your
icon number, and I will reply via a screened comment, if you don't get your comments e-mailed to you, reply with your icon number and e-mail address, and I'll e-mail your votes to you.
The following people still need to enter their Challenge 8 icons. And remember, challenge 10 will be an anything goes challenge and if you'd like to get your icons in early, you can enter them in the challenge 9 post.
Remember, you must be signed up to enter. Sign ups are now closed.
si_crazy aladrianadarlaslilgirlmaharet83endlessdeep scarlet_braids pixiegirl131415 joeysdramaqueen Enter the challenge here!Challenge ends Sunday, March 9th @ Midnight EST