Title: Untitled
Author: Lisa
druinsanityCharacters/Pairing: Lorne
Rating: G
Disclaimer: In Lisaland I would own all of them. In this land? Not so much. Just like to play.
Summary: Written for
Prompt: Chaos.
There’s all kinds of chaos, Honeybuns. It’s everywhere, in everyone and every dimension. And I thought my home was bad… well, here is a little better. I mean the clothes alone…
I digress… Chaos of the mind. I listen to demons and humans alike who seem to love to wreak havoc. And here I am wondering why we all can’t get along. The chaos of the mind is more powerful than anything. It breeds ideas and what could be.
Then there’s actual chaos. I’m talkin’ raining hell fire and the bringer of torment. Big rocky guys with horns bigger than mine that just want to kill. Shudder to think it, but I’ve never been so lovin’ of the sun and if that didn’t just remind you of a happenin’ song from the forties I don’t know what will. Put on a happy face, nevermind the depression!
What? I can’t know a little history? I’m proud to be a green, horned demon in America…
On to chaos of the senses. Sight, taste, touch, you get the point. I mean that coat with those pants? And is it just me, Kitten or are these martini’s watered down?