Round 3, Willow

Jun 24, 2006 18:08

Title: Rosary
Author: strega_willow, aka calliopes_pen
Character: Willow Rosenberg
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Sadly, I’ll never own them.
Prompt: Written for btvsats_20. Picture Prompt. Set during season 2, after Passion.
Word Count: 217

A rosary. I’ve been carrying rosaries and crosses around in my purse ever since Angelus started causing a massacre. Oh, what would Ira Rosenberg think of his little girl if he saw her now? He would probably be angry--possibly horrified. Maybe a little amused, for reasons he would keep to himself.

It was tough enough to hide the rosary under my pillow and convince Mom to allow me to change the bed from now on. Hey, it’s better than getting my throat ripped out in the night, right?

Although, it might do better around my neck. I wonder how much trouble I’ll get into for carrying this around? Would Mom believe the best lie I can come up with?’s for a school project involving religious symbols? No, I seriously doubt that they'd believe that one. Oh, I’m such a horrible liar!

But it’s better than being a good liar and undead, I guess.

Maybe it would be easier to drag a bottle of holy water in a cup? Pretend to be drinking in the graveyard, and splash a few of Angelus’ minions. I’ll have to look into that...see what Giles thinks.

Maybe I can study a few old spells, and see if it’s possible to cause holy water to randomly appear over all the vampires...

round 3, challenge 7, willow

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