Author: Lisa
Status: Completed Ficlet
Summary: Round 2 Challenge #4 written for btvsats_20 (Illyria) What Do You See When You Close Your Eyes? Set after NFA
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Joss Whedon and ME
Distribution: Ask for permission before taking, thanks
They are haunted; I have not seen such eyes haunted even during the longest sessions of torture. His bleed with pain. They have ever since I took over her body and made it my shell. He has not finished morning for the one that came before me. He seeks her still when he looks at me. Only when I transform to the mortal does the look leave. I am an Old One and yet he shows no fear in his eyes only the ghosts that chase him. The battle has ended yet only begun and when I close my eyes in rest I still see his haunted eyes fade away while peace and love settles in. It angers me, causes a restless itch that makes me thirst for more vengeance.