This is a roundup of stuff I've written about s8 so far.
Size Matters. Dawn, Willow, PG13/R. The reason for Dawn being the way she is at the start of s8.
Dam It. Dawn, PG. What Dawn does for kicks while she's waiting for someone to solve the problem.
Two Wrongs Make A Right. Warren/Amy, PG13, Star Wars crossover. So where did they go after The Long Way Home?
Polly Shouldn't Be. Warren/Amy, PG, pre-s8. Drabble.
Night Of The Living Dead Geeks. The whole Warren situation and what it may do - or not do - for the s8 storyline.
"The chain" and s8: heroes, villains or victims? A response to
stormwreath's excellent post that found its own identity.
Buffy talks to Joss. Yes, Buffy's just as confused by the Warren storyline as everyone else. And speaking of...
This Warren Is No More. Frustration.
The "Willow kills people" seriesThe 2007 shipping wars