Here's the deal: Your Santas are trying to make your holidays SUPER FANTASTIC, and to do that....sometimes they need a little help. If there's a question for you here, just comment with a response, and Santa'll make sure to make the necessary adjustments ;). Questions, like everything else, will be tagged with your username, so if you ever want to make sure you didn't miss anything, it'll be quite easy. Fun! :) Alternately, if you HAVE any questions you need to ask your giftee, just send them to me at the comm. E-mail. Make sure to include their username, and I'll get them posted ASAP. I waited to make this to make sure I got everyone's in here, but apparently, everyone is set. :)
Do you have any general ideas, prompts, etc. for a fic you'd really like to get? Just some ideas to get Santa heading down the right track? Also, which of your own fics would you most like to see art for?