E-mail address:
evangelinlili@abv.bg Things I'd Like: ANYTHING! From icons and short drabbles through gifs, lovebars, FO banners, headers(around 900x300 or 800x400), walls(1152x864) and ficlets to fanmixes, vids, mood themes and longer fics(the only thing I demand is a happy ending. And mostly read Spike/Buffy and Spike/Cordy). I'd be happy with absolutely anything you make me. I just wanna feel the love and Christmas spirit 'cause this is my favorite time of the year!!
I'd love everything that deals with Spike, Cordelia, Drusilla, Darla, Illyria, Lindsey, Lilah and Eve. But I have such a shipper's heart that I'll be the happiest with anything with my ships. SPIKE/BUFFY AND SPIKE/CORDY! Anything with those two ships makes me so happy I cannot really explain it. Also Spike/(Angel, Anya, Darla, Drusilla, Fred(Illyria), Faith, Tara, Willow)... what? :D + Angel/Cordy, Angel/Darla, Angel/Faith, Lindsey/Eve and Wes/Lilah. So, I think that's it. If it has my ships, it will make me happy.
What I Can Do: I can work with pretty much any character or pairing(except for Buffy/Riley which I can just not do). I can make any type of graphics, including gifs, I can make fanmixes and vidlets and I can write ficlets. Only thing I can't do is longer fics(like over 5 000 words) and NC-17 fics.
What I absolutely CAN'T do: Only thing I can't do is longer fics(like over 5 000 words) and NC-17 fics. And Buffy/Riley as I mentioned above.