Nov 14, 2011 17:51
E-mail address: rebcake [at] pacbell [dot] net
Things I'd like:
1. Fic in my stocking, seasonally themed or otherwise. Spike is a favorite, and my main ships are Spike/Dru and Spike/Buffy, though I love to see Spike plausibly paired with other characters, especially the rarer ones - het or slash - any rating. I'm all about Gen fic, as well. Besides Spike, Dru, and Buffy, I'm excited by Giles, Dawn, Joyce, Faith, Harmony, Darla, BuffyBot, Ilona Costa Bianchi, Nikki Wood, Holden Webster, Lydia Chalmers, Ethan, Clem, Lorne, Illyria, Gunn, D'Hoffryn, the Chaos Demon, Sheila the bad student cum vamp in School Hard, and many more. (See CAN'T below for characters I'm not as excited about, at least as main characters.) I like historical vamp stories, but prefer them without huge amounts of torture. Fluff to angst okay, but dark is less appealing - unless it is chockful of Big Ideas. I'm open to crossovers with other Jossverses, SPN, new Doctor Who, Torchwood, and some odder ones, like Pratchett's Discworld or Stephenson's The Diamond Age.
2. Story art for any of my stories would also be lovely and amazing. For a list, see the sticky post at the top of my LiveJournal.
What I can do:
I can write fic. I can also write limericks. See LIKE above for comfort zone parameters. I prefer to write het and gen.
What I absolutely CAN'T do:
While I do write fic, it tends toward the innuendo end of the sexay scale. Explicit is possible, but not probable. I'm not likely to do justice to Angel, Willow, Wesley, or Connor as main characters. I'm not super conversant with AtS canon, except Season 5. Theoretically I can make icons and art, but it never comes out that well. I am not a vidder.
2011 wishlist