jessicaqueen's 2011 Wishlist

Nov 05, 2011 22:45

E-mail address: queen_of_the_castle_77 [at] hotmail [.] com

Things I'd like: I'd vastly prefer fic, but fanart is also awesome. I'd rather see something sketched or otherwise created from scratch than manips. Even if you think your artistic skills are questionable or non-existent, cracky 'art' for the holidays would be hilarious and much appreciated. Otherwise, vids or icons would also be nice.

Any season of Buffy, post-'Chosen' AUs, or Season 5 of Angel with some BtVS characters crossing over would all be great. I'd prefer something PG-13 or above, if possible.

Here are some specific prompts to hopefully give you some ideas, but anything with the following pairings would be great as long as it isn't ridiculously fluffy/sappy:
- Buffy/Spike (this is my main pairing):
(1) The handcuffs leave bruises on his wrists, like marks of ownership. She hates how much she loves that everyone can see them, but that only the two of them know who put them there.
(2) AU post-'The Gift'. Every night he dreams of saving her, but every night he fails in horrifying new ways.
(3) Season 2 during 'Halloween', if Buffy had chosen a very different costume to dress up in.
(4) Season 1, 2 or 3 AU. Spike brings it home to Buffy in some way (by winning a fight, by cutting mockery, whatever) just how short the life expectancy of a Slayer is, and that she doesn't have time to keep waiting for Angel.
(5) Buffy realises that Spike is too dangerous to leave alive. And since killing Angel with a kiss worked so well... (doesn't need to actually include character death, but I'm certainly not against it)
- Buffy/Spike/Angel: Spike and Angel are as antogonistic towards each other as ever. Buffy decides she's done with being constantly stuck in the middle.
- Buffy/Spike/Faith: AU end of Season 7, if Caleb didn't show up right when Faith did, and so they were all left stuck in that over-packed house together with nothing to do but go half-mad from it. Spike only has eyes for one Slayer, but Buffy seems almost obsessively convinced that Faith is stealing him away along with everything else in her life. It takes Spike a while to realise that there's a reason Buffy's so fixated on the idea of Spike and Faith together, and it's not all down to resentment.
- Buffy and Faith, or Buffy/Faith: Seething jealousy
- Spike and Dawn: Learning to live without Buffy is hard. Learning to live with her again is nearly impossible.
- Anya finds a moment to act awesomely independent.

Whatever pairing/character combo you go for, please no character bashing of anyone. Yes, that even includes Riley. ;)

What I can do: Yeah, I'll be honest, I can only really write fic. I'm happy to write pretty much anything, though, from funny interludes to the darkest of the dark. No kink is out of the question, except maybe scatplay. My top pairings are all listed above, but I'll try anything other than those listed below. I would really rather write something mostly BtVS-related instead of AtS-related, though slight crossing over is fine.

What I absolutely CAN'T do: Complete all-human or similar AUs, where nothing of the show as we know it remains. Anything Xander or Willow centric. Any of the potential Slayers as main characters, because they all make me want to break things with rage. My memory of anything re: Angel Seasons 1-4 is incredibly hazy, and I have only the tiniest bit of knowledge about what happens in the comics. Dawn romantically paired with anyone squicks me, even if she's older. Unrequited Buffy/Giles would be fine, one-sided explicit Buffy/Giles fantasy would be even be fine, but fair warning that I'm probably not the best choice to write them as an actual real life everyday couple. I'm also not the right person to be given any prompt requiring Buffy/Angel to be the most epic and romantic of all the ships ever. I'd find it hard to write Buffy/Riley as a main pairing, but I'm not completely against including them as a secondary or past relationship.

jessicaqueen, 2011 wishlist

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