Nov 05, 2010 00:22
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Things I'd like: Well, I'm pretty much always up for fic. I love vids, and mostly fail at making my own. I'm always looking for new wallpapers or icons (and I seem to have a serious shortage of Buffyverse icons at the moment), and I'm kind of intrigued by the idea of fanmixes.
Favorite Characters: Spike, Xander, Faith, Willow, Ethan, Giles, Dawn, Wesley, and Gunn
Ships (everyone at or above age of consent at time): Buffy/Faith, Giles/Ethan, Giles/Oz, Spike/Xander, Faith/Xander, Dawn/Xander, Willow/Angel, Willow/Tara, Willow/Spike, Angel/Cordelia, Angel/Wesley, Wesley/Gunn, Spike/Dawn, Spike/Dru, Vamp!Xander/Vamp!Willow, and Spike/Xander/Dawn. Also, I will seriously read pretty much any ship involving Spike, these are just my preferred ones, and I like lots of visual Spike/Angel, just not so much my thing in fic
Some specifics for Fic: I like plotty fic, whether it's gen or shippy. I'm not so big on fluff. I like my characters to be totally torn to shreds, but I do like for them to have a happy or at least hopeful ending. In shippy fic, I like first times. I like awkward or even plain bad sex. I also like dealing with what happens when friends and family find out about the couple. I like things to be complicated and messy, but still mostly good. I'm fine with any rating, have a bit of discipline and bloodplay kinks (though these things are absolutely not required to make me deliriously happy), but my one serious squick is the inappropriate use of food items. I'm strange, I know. Oh, and I like future fic or backstory as much or more than I like fic set in the canon-timeline. I'm also inordinately fond of crossovers (The Stargate franchise, The Trek franchise, honestly, pretty much any American fantasy, sci-fi, or crime drama of the last twenty years, Harry Potter, The Dresden Files, Moonlight, Forever Knight, and probably a dozen others that I'm not thinking to list)
Otherwise, I'm pretty much good to go. I like just about every kind of music, and while my own graphics style tends to be super-saturated and high contrast or greyscale with spot color, I like most anything.
What I can do: I'm probably most competent at fic. I can write gen or shippy fic. I prefer to focus on characters other than Buffy or Angel, but I can write them. I don't write underage fic. I will attempt domestic fluff if requested, but I can't vouch for the quality of it. I'm pretty comfortable writing any of the above pairings, and will attempt any non-Buffy-centric pairing as long as both characters are of age and not biologically related. Also, I have virtually no knowledge of the comics. I can also do some graphics, though I won't claim to be stellar at them. I'm more comfortable with icons that I am with banners and wallpapers. I could also do fanmixes.
What I absolutely CAN'T do: I cannot vid. I've attempted it and the results were...not good. I pretty much completely fail at writing Buffy-centric pairing fic other than Buffy/Faith. I won't write underage sex or any kind of food-kink.
2010 wishlist,