Nov 02, 2010 11:57
E-mail address: highlander [dot] ii [at] gmail [dot] com
Things I'd like: Spike. Lots and lots of hot, smutty Spike. I'm being shallow for Christmas this year. *eg* Pair him up with anyone, except Buffy, (or everyone) - just make sure they're all of-age when you do.
What I can do: I write fic - all ratings and most genres. I can do some artistic things with icons or wallpaper or banners. I can write most of the main characters and a good number of the side characters from the two series. I've read a good chunk of the comics, but not sure how much of that I could write, though I'm not opposed to digging around and finding stuff if I have to from those.
What I absolutely CAN'T do: I cannot make vids or hand-drawn art and I'm awful at music mixes. I won't write or do icons/wp/etc for Spike/Buffy. I'm better at BtVS than Angel, but can probably pull off anyone but Gunn, Oz or Connor. And I prefer no Giles/Buffy. I'm hugely limited on Fray, as well.
2010 wishlist,