Nov 08, 2009 21:18
Email: Chokolattejedi @ gmail . com
Things I'd like:
~Shmoopy Willow/Tara fic with much fluff and cute little spells and such
~Adorable weird geeky Willow/Oz fic
~Snarky Spike/Angel A5 fic. Ghost!Spike and Regular undead Spike are both great.
~Dark Buffy/Angelus fic. AU or future!fic or whatever, but something where their relationship is sort of like Vamp!Willow/Angel in "The Wish" AU. All kinds of kink are awesome, and Dark/Vamp! Buffy is wonderful too!
~A five times fic of times we didn't see on screen where Buffy almost died/actually died. (Trio, Buffy/Willow, Buffy/Angel, or gen would be awesome)
~Buffy/Willow/Xander comfort fic from that time when she thought she was in the insane asylum and tried to kill them all. (Pretty much anything set in this episode would make me so squeeful)
~Buffy/Willow/Xander apoca!fic or death!fic would be awesome. The angstier the better. (Vamp! versions are totally acceptable)
What I can do:
All slash/femslash/threesomes are fair game for both fics and icons/graphics. Het is entirely fair game for icons/graphics. All seasons of Buffy are good. All seasons of Angel are good for icons/graphics. I particularly love Willow/anyone, trio threesomes, Faith/anyone, and writing dark!/death!/apoca!fic. Soundtracks.
What I absolutely CAN'T do:
I can't do fics for Angel. I can't do anything at all for season 8 Buffy. I can't vid or code. I prefer not to write het unless it is part of an equal threesome, but that doesn't mean that I can't bring myself to do it - I just don't think it comes out nearly as good. Also, I find it hard to write pure sweet fic without any angst or anything at all. Saccharin fluff just does not flow from my muses, so if you want pure fluff, I'm probably not your girl.
I am available to pitch hit if needed.
2009 wishlist