E-mail: settiai@gmail.com
Things I'd like: As anyone who knows me can tell you, my favorite character is Doyle. I adore AU stories where he didn't die, especially when they involve the other main events of the show taking place . . . just with him involved as well. I'm a huge Doyle/Cordelia fan, but I love any pairings that involve him. (Admittedly, my favorites are Angel/Cordelia/Doyle, Angel/Doyle, Angel/Doyle/Wesley, Doyle/Faith, and Wesley/Doyle. But I'm not limited to those.) Gen's great too, though. I'd love anything featuring Doyle in any shape or form.
I'm also a fan of the following: Angel/Cordelia/Wesley, Angel/Wesley (especially when baby!Connor's around), Buffy/Faith, Cordelia/Gunn/Wesley, Fred/Gunn/Wesley, Fred/Lilah, Fred/Lilah/Wesley, Giles/Willow, Gunn/Wesley, Riley/Willow, Wesley/Fred, Wesley/Lilah, Xander/Willow (during high school), any combinations of the Fanged Four (femslash, het, slash, threesome, or foursome), Dawn, Cordelia (other than during her "Saint Cordelia" phase), Faith, Kate, Lorne, Wesley, Xander
Gen's also fine by me as well, especially when it focuses on one of the "teams" (Scooby Gang, Fang Gang, or whatever you want to call them.) I love "false memory" stories as well, as in stories set pre-BtVS S5 that feature Dawn.
I'm a huge crossover fan, if that sparks any ideas for you. (If you like Firefly and femslash, I happen to adore Dawn/River.) A list of my current fandoms can be found
here. *waits for someone to actually go look* Yes, I'm insane. I feely admit it.
For all of the above, I'd love pretty much anything. Fanfiction, icons, songvids, wallpapers, journal layout, website layout, etc.
My desktop is set at 1280x768, and - the way my LJ's set up - a top banner would need to have a width of around 700 pixels. All of my websites are
What I can do: When it comes to fanfiction, I'm best with gen, het, and femslash. I can write m/m slash, but I can't promise anything higher than a PG-13 rating. I usually tend to stay away from writing NC-17 stories, though I have no problem with hard R. I'll write any characters or pairings, no matter how obscure or well-known.
If I have time, I might be able to throw a short songvid together. I won't promise anything, though. I can make decent LJ icons, but I can't do anything fancy.
What I absolutely CAN'T do: Anything graphic-related other than fairly basic icons, or graphic smut when it comes to fanfiction. Character-bashing of any form.