I can't wait to see all gorgeous entries. :)
- It can be no bigger than 40KB and 100x100 pixels. Smaller is allowed.
- You need to be signed up in order to participate. Sign up first, then enter.
- Don't post icons anywhere until voting is over, all should remain anonymous. Comments are screened.
- Post your entries as a comment to this post only. Remember to include both image and and url,
like this.
- One entry per person only.
- Use no other images than the cap provided. Brushes, textures etc are allowed.
- This challenge is a bit different. I'm giving you two caps, both grainy/dark/bland/small, something like that. :) You're supposed to try to make such a clean icon as possible. For this challenge, you have to make 2 icons, and voting will be done separately for each group. 1 icon from each ground will be eliminated.
- Please post both icons in the same comment, with the Willow one first. It's easier for me to put them in the tables that way.
The following participants have been disaqualified or eliminated, and will not be able to participate in the next round.
zgirl714 shannon730 50thousandtearz whatnow73 galaxynumber5 spuffy_noelle thefalloficarus keeperofthekeys lunaillustris primavera8180 vanity_killsxxx nya47 veeteenese madelineanne imeccentric chosenxone hollowinsidex candybarsodapop newexistence fujiidom spitefairy kizzmon averillovessev sheshavingababy pixelatedjunkie Vamp Willow from 3x16, Doppelgangland.
http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/496/bcap5a2ma.jpgIf you can't view the cap, it's uploaded to Photobucket
Cordelia from 3x18, Earshot.
http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/7905/bcap5b5uh.jpgIf you can't view the cap, it's uploaded to Photobucket
GOOD LUCK! The deadline is Sunday May 7th in the afternoon GMT+2. Make sure to get your icons in by then. If you don't have time to enter, skip the challenge so I won't have to disqualify you. :) Also, if you skipped the first challenge and would like to have your skip undone (meaning, I didn't disqualify anyone even if they didn't skip because people didn't notice it had started), just comment on the skip post.