Fanfiction hunt!

Dec 16, 2008 02:53

Here beginith the race!!
ok so not really but i do need a little assistance.
Somwhere on Twisting the Hellmouth there is a fic where Dawn is at Hogwarts and Giles is teaching DADA. I dont remember much more. pretty sure Buffy is gone. . I think she was sorted into Slytherin. Umm there was a scene where both Hermione and Dawn chose the same topic for a paper. The Scourge of Europe...suffice it to say Hermione got her 'know-it-all'ness handed to her. The golden trio are not on good terms with Dawn, and are a bit high and mighty, but its a fun perspective from the slytherin point of view. Luna might be aroung some where too.

So....any ideas?


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