Harry Potter and the Renascent SeerAuthor:
xanzpetFandom: Extreme AU for the following: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season Five; Angel the Series, Season Two; Harry Potter, Year Six.
Pairing(s): For BtVS/AtS: Xander/Anya, Tara/Willow, Buffy/Riley. For Harry Potter: Trio UST; Harry/OMCs (not all at once, though that would be fun); and possibly Ron/Hermione or Ron/OFC and Hermione/OMC (but no promises). Other pairings are under wraps. Slash is up for grabs for anyone at anytime.
Rating: FRAO / NC-17 just to be safe, although this story might never live up to this rating.
Warning(s): Strong language, violence, character deaths; sexuality (including het, femmeslash, and m/m slash). For canon purists, this fic will seem extremely OOC for all of those involved. Please see author’s notes for further information. Spoilers for all of BtVS and AtS, and for HP & OoTP; elements from HBP and DH may come into play, though it’s doubtful.
Word Count: ~ 9000 for this chapter.
Distribution: My LJ fiction community. All others, please ask first.
Feedback: Con-crit is always welcome; flames are not.
Summary: When Cordelia Chase falls into a coma, it’s up to Xander Harris to do everything he can to save her. With the help of a few friends, he finds hope halfway across the world. At the same time, Harry Potter comes to the realization that if he is truly destined to fight Voldemort, he can no longer allow others to dictate the manner. As he begins cultivating new allies, his friendship with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger begins to fracture, but they determine to be with him every step of the way no matter the cost.
Harry Potter and the Renascent Seer, Chapter Three: Alliances; Part Five: The Professor, the Cursebreaker, and the Veela