Follow the Yellow Brick Road
By purplefeen
Team: The Scoobies
Rating: K
Characters/Pairings: Willow/Oz and Willow/Xander
Challenge: 12 - romance
Warnings: none
It was romantic, in an Oz kind of way.
Willow stared at the Pez witch in her hand and tried to block out the memory of Xander’s kiss. She - they - couldn’t - shouldn’t be doing this. She should be thinking only of Oz - her actual boyfriend and not the guy she once had a huge crush on - the guy who decided she was worth kissing only when she’d found someone else.
Pez witch - Pez witch - Oz - Oz - Oz!
She’d work hard at keeping her head where it belonged -with Oz. Her heart would just have to learn to live without Xander.