Round Three Rules and Info

Aug 01, 2010 14:38

Round Three - Rules and Info

-Please make sure you are a member of the community otherwise I can not give you posting access.
-All icons must be made fresh for this challenge, no prior work should be used.
-All icons must be your own.
-Please make sure your icons are not offensive.
-Icons must fit LJ standard. 100x100px, under 40kb and in either .png, .jpg or .gif format.
-Post the completed set with a teaser or no more than 3 icons and a link to the rest of them.
-Please use the table provided to post your icons.
-No need to tag, I'll do that.
-Please try and leave each other positive feedback :)
-When posting your teaser please post it with the title Round Three - Your Claim

All 20 of your icons are due on August 20th at 11.59 in your time zone.

Here are your Themes: Guess Who, To The Left, To The Right, Red, Upside Down, Three, Poetry, Circle, LOL, Time.

Some Theme Explanations

Poetry: The icon should contain some sort of poetic reference, even if it's just the title of a poem. Here's an example by coffee_in_bed_1 with a line from Lord Byron:

Guess Who: The character in the icon must not have a totally visible face. Partially visible is ok, or just body parts. The idea is that we have to work to figure out who it is :)

To The Left / To The Right: The main focus of the icon must be on that side of the icon.

Circle: A circle must be clearly visible in your icon design.

Three: Three of something (objects, panels in icon, characters, etc.) should be visible.

Category: Single Relationship.
Choose ONE relationship that features your character or is present in your episode, then make five icons of the SAME SHIP. This can be any kind of relationship: love, hate, family, friends, whatever you like!

Here's the table to copy and fill in. Just put your URLS in the speech marks in the lines reading < img src="" > Give it a go, you'll see how it works when you post it.


If you need anything explaining, feel free to ask.

Get cracking people!

round: three, rules and info

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