Sep 05, 2011 09:32
I envy those writers who sit down with an idea or a scene, flesh it out into a rough draft, flesh that out into a full and complete story, then edit it and have it published. It always seems like my ideas fizzle out after a partial rough draft is done. I never get to the damn point of my story or it just doesn't make sense if I do get to it. Then I stop. I think about the story and how I could build upon it. I read it, re-read it and then read it again with an ink pen in hand... then I'm done until the next idea hits me, which is rarely for the same story (or I go off on a new obsession; cross stitch, organizing, television, new book series, old book series, attempting to be a better housekeeper etc). And I repeat the process.
I have NINE story ideas that I've gotten halfway into and then given up on, with the intention to come back to them later. Nine. Possibly more that I'm not thinking of. Some of them are just some notes jotted down, while others are 150+ pages of scenes, characterizations and random dialogue that doesn't quite fit together to form a plot. I need to find some way of stimulating the creative juices, keeping that creativity geared towards my fiction, while still being dedicated to putting in the work on the same story day after day. Then I need to just. simply. write.