(no subject)

Dec 10, 2006 23:23

So a quick update now that I have some breathing room...

Two/Five exams down.
Crim Pro and Employment Law are finished.
Today, I started thinking about Employment Law stuff and then I realized I was done and it was so nice.
Con Law is up next on Wednesday.
I'm kind of freaking out, but hopefully I'll be okay.
I've been doing pretty well on quizzes this semester, so hopefully I can keep that up.
After Wednesday, I'll be doing pretty well.
Environmental Law on Monday and Election Law on Tuesday.
Environmental shouldn't be too bad - two short essays, one of which is a repeat of one of our three quizzes this semester, the other is on CERCLA. Then a bunch of short answer. Totally manageable.
Election Law is a takehome that we'll get on Tuesday morning that has to be turned back in by like 4:30.
12 pages double-spaced limit for two questions.
Then out with everyone (hopefully) and a bunch of drunken debauchery into Christmas Break.

In other news: I got a flat tire leaving school on Thursday night after studying for Employment Law.
My brain was so fried after studying for four days straight and taking one exam and being stressed out and I just started crying.
My dad is awesome and helped me deal with it on Friday after my exam.
I had a nice weekend at home after that.
I saw The Holiday with my mom.
It was really good.
With some awesome cameos.

I can't wait until I can just take it easy and attempt to get somewhere close to my book goal for the year.
I'm not going to make 50.
I should've known that with law school I wouldn't be able to read 50 books.
I'm at 25 right now.
I bet I'll get to 30 by January 1.
Not too shabby.
Especially considering the length of some of the books I've read.
(Like #25 - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. LONG!)

Okay, I need to get to bed so I can get up and get back to studying tomorrow.
Law school makes me want to die.
I miss Yano.
I'm going to go watch The Body, from Season Five of Buffy and cry.
Because like Sam says in Garden State: "Plus, I look forward to a good cry. It feels pretty good."
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