Once you are tagged you MUST write a blog entry about your 6 weird
habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose
the next six people to be tagged and list their names.
1) I love French Onion dip and onion rings, but I can't stand plain onions. (No I can't explain that either.)
2) I had sleep apnea as a baby.
3) I'm not the greatest phone conversationalist. I would rather talk to people in person or via e-mail.
4) I cannot walk into a darkroom without having a sneezing fit due to the photo chemicals. (Yeah, and what did I study in college?)
5) When I go to an establishment/other place I have never been before, I have to scope out where the nearest bathroom is before anything else. (This is an oddity that has hung on since childhood. SHUT UP! I guess it's because I get embarrassed at having to ask people where the bathroom is.)
6) I get motion sickness in cars and planes, apparently, but I have never had such a problem while riding in a boat. (6a: I like riding in boats, even though I'm deathly afraid of deep water.)
Tag, you're IT!