It's that time, again!

Nov 30, 2014 18:40

First of all, where did 2014 go?  I feel like I blinked and lost a year.  The seven months' unemployment went by in a blur.  I don;t think I let myself be idle the entire time.  I am glad to be back to work, though, and feeling useful again.

I am not letting myself procrastinate on holiday anything.  The Holiday Wishes list is almost caught up.  I think that is a first for me being it is still early.

My RL card list is nearly done, as well.  Yeah, I know.  Go me!  I just have a couple people that I needed addresses for, like my Aunt Marion who was moved into an assisted living facility right before my handfasting.  Still, I almost spaced and sent a card to her old house before I caught my mistake.  Old habits, you know.

Fruitcakes are baked!  At least, twelve of them are. There's enough dried fruit for another batch (each batch is three 8" x 4" cakes).  Six are spoken for.  If I feel up to it during the week, I'll plug away at the sweet breads for the goodie boxes.  I wanted to get a start on the rum cakes and freeze them, but I neglected to get 2-gallon freezer bags and I wasn't desperate enough to go to any store this weekend and get them.  Also on deck for baking:  cookies, mini pumpkin pies, and fudge.  I want goodies!  By January, I won't want them fifty feet near me.  LOL!

Presents are mostly bought.  It is gonna be a broke-ass Christmas, this year, but that's okay.  None of us really need or want much of anything.  Fred and I are having an especially hard time coming up with wants/needs as our birthdays were about a month before our handfasting.  We're gifted out!  Basically, we and Mom are getting each other one thing and calling it good.  Fred wants cookies and slippers with some kind of tread.  Easy, easy.  He'll likely get more cookies than he'll want, but they freeze.  LOL!

Then there's the conundrum of our Christmas.  Last year, we started a tradition where we communally buy things with a theme of sorts.  Last year, we bought a stack of discount DVDs, a hot chocolate set for two, and a couple of fleece blankets and had a movie night for Christmas.  We bought a bunch of boxed appetizers, he inflated the air mattress, and we camped out in the living room all night.  Good times.

This year, we already have part of our present, a Blu-Ray player.  I think we're going to round it off with some TV trays and more fleece blankets and call it good.  Actually, we should get another air mattress.  The cats sharpened their claws on the other one when we didn't put it away soon enough.  Guess what won't inflate anymore?  We had a back-up, but when we temporarily set up in the large camper for two weeks this summer (to escape his family), the cats took that one out, too.

Well, that's all I've got.  I need to scrounge up something that resembles dinner and crash.  Later!

goodies coming out of our ears!, married life, christmas insanity, couple sharing a brain, cats destroyed a perfectly good air matt

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