What a long, strange trip it's been!

Nov 10, 2014 19:24

I'm baaaaaaaack!

Yeah, I just glanced at the date on my last, full entry and, yikes!  Guess, I've just been a slave to Facebook.

So, for those that aren't privy to my Facebook announcements, I'm married, now.  Two months, though it feels like three years.  I joke with Fred that we've been married since I moved in three years ago, it just wasn't legal on paper until two months ago.  The honeymoon has been over a looong time.  LOL!

Also, I'm unemployed.  Hopefully, that changes soon.  I haven't worked since April when I walked out of that cesspool of a job I hated with every fiber of my being.

We have seven cats in the house.  I say it's why we can't have nice things, but the furballs aren't so bad.  Little Lucky just needs to learn how to use a litterbox and we'll be golden.  In all fairness, though, her almost four-month-old self has only known outside until last week and her legs are still too short to climb inside the "giant" litterbox (even with the "steps" we added).

That's all I can think of that can constitute as news.  So, if you're on my f-list and are reading this, comment with a greeting, so I know you're around.  I haven't been here in so long, I don't know who's here and who's not.

The woodstove has heated this room equivalent to the surface of the sun.  Seriously, it's warm in here.  The kitten is absolutely loving it.  The rest are upstairs, on the bed.  I hope there's enough room for me, later, and when Fred gets home in the morning.

life as i know it, no room in the bed for the likes of me, random crap, cat's crapping on my clean floor!

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