My two major novellas for the monh will include The New Boy In Town and Almost Christmas.
I also have four ficlets to write: The Ungers of 2006 (Family or Foe), The Tannen of 2016 (Family or Foe), The O'Malleys/Noguras of 2016 (Family or Foe), and The Tannens of 2046 (Haven Universe Chronicles).
I've also decided to start working on a timeline. This is going to be tough to do, because not only do I have 12 universes to take into consideration - there are also the events from my stories that lead to changes in the timeline.
Here are all my universes:
Trilogy Universe (This is my main one, based entirely on the movies.)
Haven Universe (This is also trilogy compliant - but changes made to the timeline causes Marlene to have a different appearance, as well as the addition of Melody.)
Twins Universe (Marty is indirectly responsible for the existence of his twin brother.)
Almanac Universe (Hell Valley Marty, Doc, and Sabrina end up wih doubles in the new timeline - after they manage to grab the almanac from Biff.)
Twin Pines Universe (Marty and Doc are both shot by Libyan terrorists, but are brought back to life a few months later.)
Lone Pine Universe (Marty Jr gets his hands on Doc's time machine, and ends up back in 1985.)
Newlyweds Universe (Doc and Clara manage to make it back to 1985 with Marty, in the DeLorean. Also includes the Marty Wept AU fic.)
Parker Universe (Jennifer joins Marty on his adventures, and ends up bringing Clara Parker back to 1985.)
Gravestone Universe (This universe is based on the similar pemise of the Almanac Universe. Even though Alternate Doc is dead in 1885, Gravestone Doc claims to be the ressurrection of the other Doc - as he and Clara fall for each other in the Old West.)
Calvin Universe (Marty is renamed Calvin, while his older brother is Marty. Probably not going to elaborate too much on this universe.)
Father Universe (Marty gets amnesia in 1955, falls for Lorraine, and becomes his own father. This is probably the most controversial universe I wrote.)
Orwell Universe (I might as well include this one, too. In this one, George and Lorraine don't meet until 1986 - when a mysterious young man claims to be their son. This is based on George Orwell's 1984. I will pick up on Let Freedom Ring again sometime next year.)
Okay, now before I do anything else, I have to make some alterations to my fics.
1. Make a reference to Andy Hopkins in he Next Generation Part I. I also have to change the date of Jamie's birthday, as the one I picked is too long to occur after the conception on November 12 of the previous year.
2. Go through A Witch In Time, and make any necessary alterations - so that the story can also apply to Haven Universe. I still want
anivad to keep the fic under Trilogy Universe, though.
3. I also have a write a scene introducing the good relative of the gang members.