Wow...been a while

Oct 16, 2010 21:38

Yeah, so now I'm engaged.  YAY!!!  Now I get to plan an actual wedding.  The first one was "planned" in less than 2 months, at Christmas time so needless to say it was thrown together rather quickly.  This time around, I actually get to PLAN the wedding.  So of course I went out and spent $35 on a binder for wedding planning so I can keep everything straight.  My OCD is going to go into overload before long and it's still 11 months away.  I like having stuff ready and in place way in advance.  Can't afford to get it done, yet.  Come tax time, that's where our tax returns will be going.

I've already gone on David's Bridal website and picked out some dresses.  It's a good thing I have very inexpensive taste.  I just hope when it comes time to actually try on the dresses, the dress I absolutely love doesn't look like crap on me.  I will be very disappointed and won't know what to do at that point.

We've narrowed down our color choices to 4 different colors.  So now we need to decide on a final choice and then go from there.  I've already asked my matron of honor, Steph, to be in the wedding.  Now I gotta ask the other 4.  Too bad I only have 3 picked...damn Rob for having a dad, 3 brothers and a best friend.  Ha ha

On top of this, I have work crap I'm still dealing with.  I hate having to stress every day about work.  It's not even the job itself.  It's the b.s. I have to deal with on a co-worker/manager level.  I've been passed over 3 times this year for a promotion.  Then our department got sold and come to find out, that means I can't be considered for a job of the "old company" because of the way the contract reads.  Love how they forgot to tell us before it was finalized and how we're "stuck" because really, the job market sucks.

The best part of all of this is that the selling of my department was supposed to mean that we are going to "grow" yet on Wednesday, they laid off 3 people.  Tell me, how does this mean growth if you have to slim down due to the new ownership?  Do they think we're that stupid.  We're sitting ducks in my opinion.

No wait, the real best part is that I find out today that the reason I'm not getting promoted is because I'm not "dedicated enough" to get promoted.  See, I work with my cousin and she is a team lead for another team.  My team lead apparently told her this who turned around told my aunt and grandmother who relayed it to my mother this weekend.  This is after on Wednesday, I ended up staying until 6:45 p.m. after getting in at 8 that morning, no lunch and should have left at 5:00 p.m.  Nice, eh?  This happens a lot.  It's a good thing I have an awesome fiance who will pick up the youngest from after school if I have to work late and not be dedicated.  *eye roll*  It's no wonder I'm medicated now.

So now, I'm job hunting and planning a wedding.  I love the wedding part.  Any time I've done something wedding related, I get giddy.  I can't wait for the first of the year when I get to try on the dresses.  We joined the gym so gotta shed some fat and tone some muscles before I even think about putting any dress on.  Ha ha

Wedding fun stress, work not so fun stress...
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