May 24, 2005 21:05
Saturday: All Day from about 8:30-4:30 I was outside working in my backyard.. Planting Grass seeds. Because the only thing I really want is GRASS! The only thing I want is to walk barefoot in the gorgeous green grass..That would be G-r-e-a-t. That night I went to Annie's house! It was a crew Pasta Party!! So the party began.. People came and left Other came and stayed a while. A lot of people went over to Childs Park to play frisbee. Later on, a few of us (Me, Dana, Annie, Max, Wiggs, Kyle, Maddie etc. etc.) went down to the basement to watch the season finale of the OC on tape. Soon after, Max's possee of more FRESHMAN BOYS joined us. "Oooooh Nice." The party was over at 8:30. But I told Annie I would stay later and help her clean.. The freshman boys did the same. So we cleaned. And walked down to the "Zee Mark" for one resaon or another. Max had fun talking with the Indian guy who didn't speak english very well. The man said something asking how old we were and Max said "15, 14, 16, 17, 18. Im 18. Got any playboys?" the man said that the store is not allowed to sell them. So before Max could get any more out we all shoved out the door and walked back to Annies. I left around 10:15.
Sunday: Mass State Champs Regatta. Lets not talk about the rowing part.. but the Award Ceremony. I'd say, along with a bunch of other girls from the team, that it was the best cremony of our lives. It was Me, Dana, Annie, Ruby, Grace, Bridget, Hallie, Abby, Ellery and some other people.. And it just so happened that a group of wicked hot guys sat right next to us.. so with that in mind Grace started making paper cranes out of Starburst wrappers. And Ruby and I were throwing it back and forth to eachother when all of a sudden it landed under one of the guys legs. So, I, the sly fox I am, slid my hand under his proped up leg and retrieved the Crane. So, After that happened we tried to make it a point to get it on the guy sitting next to me. Finally on one last throw the crane landed near his butt. As I was about to get it, he moved and sat right on the crane. We were all hysterical. The other guy sitting behind us knew what we were laughing about and put his hands over his face and shook his head. So, desprate for our Crane back, Bridget (Rubys friend) got up the courage, tapped the guy on his back and said "Umm, Excuse me, your sitting on my crane." The guy turned around lifted his bum and gave it to her.
All in all it was probably the funniest thing I have ever seen at a regatta.