Holiday Exchange!!!

Dec 24, 2012 12:13

It's been a while and I'm sorry that life has been so busy, but I LOVE this comm and I want to keep it active and fun. So last year around this time I made a Holiday Bundle for you all! And it was a lot of fun, and I could do it again.....OR we could do something more interactive and have an IMPROMPTU BTR HOLIDAY EXCHANGE, in which you sign up anonymously, get paired up randomly by me, and have to have SOMETHING, literally ANYTHING (fic, art, fanmix, picspam, meta, icons/wallpaper/fb, etc.) BTR and holiday/new years related to your person by DECEMBER 31st @ 11:59 pm. It wouldn't give you much time but you wouldn't be making anything huge. Just a token and a HAPPY HOLIDAYS to your fellow member. BUT, I'm not going to orchestrate it if no one plans to participate, so....THIS IS THE POST IN WHICH YOU TELL ME WHETHER YOU'D PARTICIPATE OR NOT.

Poll If we have a Mini Holiday Exchange with your due date for your gift to be posted to the comm and given to your person being Dec.31st, would you participate????

holiday post, poll, mod post

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