Art dump!

Oct 06, 2012 05:41

Hello! I'm not much of an LJ person these days. Mostly cause I usually go on Tumblr and rant and rave about this and that. But anyway! I decided to treat (or torture?) you guys to some of my silly art. It's not masterpiece material or anything but it's cute I guess. It's mostly Jarlos with a sprinkle of Kogan (honestly, I'm in the middle of an OTP meme from Tumblr so everything I'm drawing right now is Jarlos!). Anyway, let's do this.

Do you guys remember that awful and never ending onslaught of interviews and pictures of these two at Wango Tango? Cause I do. It was literally an entire week of these smitten idiots being adorable together. I hated it. Only not really. Anyway yeah this resulted from that. Which never happened but it should have, honestly.

An older one but still one of my favorites. "ooh, we're all full of feathers and fruit water, let's smooch~"

For a while back in the summer, I did a livestream drawing almost every day and it was great. Then I don't know what happened but I stopped and now my poor internet is too slow to handle it so I'm having to put them on hold for now. Here are Kendall and Logan baking some cupcakes and doing a terrible job at it.

If Big Time Double Date didn't inspire you for some waiter!James/Carlos lovin', I don't know what will.

"Yeah, haunted house whooooo! We can do this. YEAH!"

This was part of the OTP meme. "Cuddling somewhere" was the prompt and for some reason I came up with them painting a room and being so tired afterwards that they sorta snuggled near the end of the first coat. Aww.

"You know what's fun to do on fancy dates?"

Big Time Decision was honestly the most painful Jarlos episode for me yet. It was basically a mirror image of Big Time Secret. Sacrifice, an explanation of said sacrifice (involving being best friends forever), and an adorable little handshake. Plus I mean they basically said "i'd rather die than to live without you". I don't know what to do with myself sometimes so I just draw.

Just finished this about an hour ago and it's already one of my favorites because's James and Carlos in bed together! Touching each other's faces! Aaah!

Okay. I'm sorry for this...ridiculousness but I felt like sharing so yes. Wheee!


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