Big Time Buzz #5

Aug 26, 2012 21:38

In case you've been living under a rock the past three weeks: SEASON FOUR HAS BEEN CONFIRMED! And from what the boys have been saying, filming should begin when the tour is over, after they get a much deserved vacation!

BTR have released a few more #AskBTR videos! #3, #4, #5 and #6. If you want one of your questions answered just send a tweet to @bigtimerush with the hashtag #AskBTR and they may answer it in the next video!

Did you know that BTR has been traveling with two trainers? The boys definitely want to stay in shape while on tour! Be sure to follow @EricTheTrainer and @AlecTheTrainer on twitter for exclusive photos of the boys working out at the gym and/or flexing their muscles. For example

On Monday, BTR performed at the first ever Kids State Dinner. The President and First Lady had nothing but good things to say about them. You can watch their performance here

Wednesday, the boys were in my home state of North Carolina and stopped by G105 for a performance and q&a. The highlight of the event was watching the four try to do the Macarena.

In Fandom News...

The multi-chaptered fic Red Petals by temira is now complete. Ten total chapters.
Red Petals - Multiple Pairings, NC-17 ... Kendall and his crew are supposed to be on a rescue mission, searching for someone on a black market planet. But he's the one who ends up needing to be rescued...

Sorry it's so short this time!

big time buzz

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