Jan 18, 2012 00:01

It's Tuesday! Which means It's time for:


Today's Lovely Ship is.....


ship spotlight, recs, logan henderson, tantalizing tuesday, james maslow

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deadpetsparky January 18 2012, 09:53:02 UTC
Oh yeah James/Logan....I have so many thoughts about these two:D I will try to answer the questions, but to anyone who has doubts about this ship, just watch the video fairygrrl45 so kindly included above^^

Love them/hate them? I LOVE them!<3

Why do you love them? hate them? What about them do you love/hate? I guess I like them, because I can see their appeal in Showverse and RPS. When the Show kicked off I never gave them much thought though, because the earlier episodes didn't include any storylines where they team up besides "BT Dance". But it changed with Season 2 and I watched "BT Sneakers" and wow....it was like a slap in the face! I guess it was just nice we got to see the dynamics of their friendship for the first time and yeah, I admit, Mrs. Knight walking in on them repeatedly helped a lot with convincing me XD Ever since they asked her for nail polish I was hooked^^ But I think Season 2 offers some awesome moments between them in general, like "BT Guru". I don't know, but I feel like they owned the whole episode, although Gustavo's and Carlos' storylines were pretty good, too. The whole plot is pretty much about the fact that their friendship works best when they just stay the way they are. It's a really sweet and thoughtful plot conclusion, at least to me. I want more fanfic about this now:)
I don't hate much about them, just some minor things concerning fanfics. There are too many fanfics dealing with Logan being insecure and self-conscious about his looks and stuff. He's often too nerdy in Jagan fics and I just don't know why, because he's really witty and confident when interacting with the other boys. But I guess that's a problem I have with any ship including Logan.:/
When they get married, is it a traditional wedding? Well neither of them would wear a dress so I guess it wouldn't be really "traditional". But I like to think that they wouldn't get married, but that's probably just me, because I think marriage is overrated...So don't mind me^^
Do prefer them in RPS or Showverse? Hmmmm...I don't know. With any other ship I would say Showverse, but these two are pretty adorable in RPS:D I can't make a choice^^
Who mows the lawn to their house? Bwahahahaha they don't even manage to mow the lawn of Mrs. Marchakovsky...
What are they (respectively) allergic to? James: pollen, Logan: house dust or dog hair. That's why they take in a stray cat^^
Who's the better caretaker when their boyfriend is sick? For some reason I can see James being a pro in making really good tea to nurse Logan back to health.
What are their pet names for each other? (if they use them at all) Urgh...I can't think of anything besides the obvious like "Logie", but that's more a Kendall thing. And popular pet names like "Honey" and "Sweetie" and stuff sound too cheesy.
Who gets jealous first? Logan. He seems to be the jealous type. "BT Secret, Crush and Prom Kings" suggest it at least.
Are they monogamous? If so, why? If not, with whom do they share each other? OT4 *___*

Okay, I pretty much love anything about these two by garnetice, Manda aka shisou_eimin and queenitsy.
I also highly recommend "Too far from the start" by rensahannou, although I only read the first chapter so far, but it's enough for me to know that this fanfic is not just awesome for the James/Logan relationship, but also for the friendship between all the boys.
"This thing right here" by J0bbernowl is amazing, too. The way the boys hook up and Logan's unrequited feelings for Kendall, James messy feelings for Logan and the sex! Man...The way they experience sex together is really really good. Go and read it. Now!
"Man of means" by Lielabell is also a really good fanfic. It's short, but to the point and James' PoV is hilarious and cute and just so IC.

I could rec more stuff, but I'm at work and have no access to my bookmarks. I will probably include more fanfics when I get home:)


fairygrrl45 January 25 2012, 00:58:12 UTC
Hey, I meant to say...YOU ARE SO MUCH AWESOME!!!!!


deadpetsparky January 25 2012, 08:29:08 UTC
Hahahaha could say the same about you! <3 And wtf, I missed the ship spotlight this week again! :S I'll fix that as soon as I get home!


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