Monthly Check-In: Party Post

Jun 01, 2012 16:59


Hey guys! So I know it's June 1st but it's also Friday and the day for monthly wrap up and check in. So...lot's has happened this month and we've added and taken things away from our routine. We kicked off the month with the first ever twitter post. Then we had a week of stealth modding where we left the posting up to you guys! Our kasuchi did the ask the author and we had an awesome unveiling of the scary underbelly of!

Our jellytea gave us a boatload of awesome recs under the theme of "epitomizing the pairing"! Girltype did our very first fanmix (which had some really amazing tunes all for free guysssss!) And teh_emowaffle finished us off with our very first ask the artist!

For those of you who missed it we've changed the weekly schedule a bit (check profile for more info) to accommodate more member participation and less of our own presence in the Comm.

Feel free (PLEASE) let us know how you feel about the change in schedule and the new posts. Our resources post at the very top of the page is for you to get more involved in fandom but also to be able to keep in contact with your Mods. Comment here, but also Twitter, tumblr a pm, and now our e-mail ( are all great ways to tell us something you don't feel comfortable mentioning in comments.

We'll be introducing more new things in these upcoming months and are super excited for
any ideas you may have so don't hesitate to tell us! Oh and here's the monthly poll!

fuck me it's friday, mod post

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