Fuck Me It's FRIDAY!!!!: Comm Business

Mar 16, 2012 15:30



1.    1. PLEASE sign up to post on any of our themed days  HERE. Drop us a comment or PM us anytime. (remember you can always post whatever you want whenever, but this is if you want to steal a mod post....PLEASE STEAL A MOD POST lol)

2. The BIG TIME MOVIE MICRO-FIC MEME kinda bombed guys. What Happened? I thought it would get MUCH better involvement. It's still up if you wanna write and prompt, but next time there's a meme hopefully there's more excitement yah?

3. We're currently in the process of talking to the mod of 
btr_funhouse to try and develop ourselves as sister comms. Some of you may have noticed that change in our profile. This will be the place for all of your HET and GEN FIC needs. They of course, accept slash, doesn't everyone, but they especially are a place where those that would rather NOT write slash should feel completely welcome to post their fic! I will be starting to pimp them however I can as soon as 
jblostfan16 gives me the go ahead. You should too, yeah? (pimp, or check it out! lol)

4. We will be starting SURPRISE MONTHLY MEMBER POSTS. They are going to be highlight posts like ask the author, ask the artist, and member recs. If you would like to be one of the first to participate and be the artist/author/member asked/reccing PLEASE PM either 
fever_play or myself 

fuck me it's friday, mod post, discuss, party post!

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