Concert experience, yay!

Mar 04, 2012 18:41

Friday night, I got to see Big Time Rush in concert.  Not to incite jealousy, but seriously, if you're ever not sure whether or not you want to shell out the cash to get tickets in the future... do it.  You will not regret it!

They're amazing to see perform.  Especially how active they are, they were bouncing on a trampoline in the center of the stage from platform to platform.  Also, fireworks and fire.  Yes, fire.

During Cover Girl, the boys got off of the stage, split up, and wandered through the floor aisles...  where I happened to be sitting!

For those that don't know me, I'm a 25 year old guy that uses a wheelchair.
Despite being *swamped* in screaming girls that threw themselves at them, Logan squeezed my hand and Carlos hugged me.
He actually bent down, gave me a big hug, and asked how I was doing!

Oh my goodness, they're the best!  I still can't actually believe that it happened.

During Worldwide, they pulled two girls up on stage with them... and, to my delight, they weren't the type of girls that had dressed super slutty despite it being freezing that night.  Two nice girls in shirts and jeans.  The boys held their hands, gave them hugs and kisses on the cheek, James held one of them against him during the song.  They're so sweet.  It's amazing to see how well they handle their fans in person.

My post about it, including a few not-so-great photos, can be found HERE.   ♥
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