(no subject)

Aug 19, 2004 00:07

wow so this has been the first time i watched the butterfly effect and holy shit...its a fucking bad ass movie...its pretty scary that it is pretty true about how every action has its consequence...but if i had a chance to go back in time and fix things.......i dont think i would do it..because im pretty happy where im at today. i have great friends, good family, good future and....shit happens....fights happen but fuck it...............they will always be there...or i hope..........

anyway...life has been great..my parents went to las vegassssss...so we are home alone..but i still gotta go to school.....fucking accounting class tomorrow..and im just hoping that my eyes wont take a 4 second break and falling asleep for 15 mins again..and get woken up by the teacher...haha...hope that these eyes do not shut for more than 4 seconds or else im sleeping.........
also i have fucken bio lab at 12 and fucken shit im not in the mood for biology..eventhough adolfo gave me all the answer and EVERYTHING....its just annoying having to sit down in a class from 12-2;50...shit..

then i got a job! my boss= steve..woo hooo...

only fun class i have so far is human sexuality....pretty bad ass classs:)
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