Wow! More than two years since my last entry

Dec 21, 2004 15:21

I was sitting around the apartment with nothing to do after applying for a job online and decided to see if my LiveJournal still existed, and to my amazement, it does. I was all bummed out b/c of current joba dn monetary problems so I started going back reading through old entries. Some of em made me giggle, others made me feel all contemplative. (Pensive pause) All in all, I think I needed it. It brought me back to reality and so did Justin (he called as I was combing through them). The miracles of technology!

It's amazing the way things can change in just two years' time! Since I last wrote, I married and am now expecting a child. My husband is absolutely wonderful. We married at St. Thomas More Church on September 3, 2004 and honeymooned in Gatlinburg. His name is David Morgan, he's the middle of seven children, and the center of my life. I'm not working right now, b/c I quit my job at Norton in June due to the fact that I was fighting with some overwhelming job-related depression. David has remained so supportive through the whole thing. He's an electrician at Payne Electric Co. and graduates in May from IEC with his Masters Electrician's License. Then a month later the stork'll be bringing our new bundle of joy. Right now I'm only about 13 weeks along and the fetus is too small to tell the sex, but we're hoping for a boy.

The holidays have been hectic as usual, especially with my parents' business struggling and me not working. We celebrated Christmas with David's family over the weekend since his brothers were in from out of town (Michigan and Virginia). I'm spending the holidays with a cold and looking for a job.

I guess some people might want to know some more details about the whole marriage thing so here it goes... David and I actaully met in the Spring of 2001 at Jefferson Mall. We had been talking and getting to know each other over the internet for several months, while I was away at NKU and continued IMing when I moved back. At the time we met I was only 18 and he was 22. I was into cruising Preston with my friends while he was well past that stage. We were the right people, we just met at the wrong time. Then September 12, 2003, fate brought us back together. Earlier that week I had broken up with Dayton and my freind Dave Raymond took my out to a party with his fraternity... the Lambda Chi's (some guys I knew from bowling on Wednesday nights and other get togethers). As chance would have it, David Morgan was there. He hadn't wanted to go, b/c he had been stood up by his date, but Kyle Wood (his best friend) convinced him to go. When I first saw him I was like "Woah! Hot guy!" He didn't see me til we got to the party but then he couldn't stay away from me except to pee and get another beer. So he had been drinking, but he remembered me first. It took me a while to remember him, but after that night, we were inseperable. I took him out Vince's birthday party the next night and then the next night we watched a movie at my house. And from then on, we were hooked on each other.

It's funny what life has in store for us. The curve balls it pitches. But thank God for 'em! And thanks for friends like Dave Raymond and Kyle Wood (he's getting married in October 2005 to a wonderful woman Samantha Cline by the way).
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