Title: Special (14/20)
Summary: All over the world, people are waking up with extraordinary abilities. Not knowing how they got them or what to do, they will soon discover that they are not alone. They are all connected. They are all special. Based on NBC’s Heroes. Various Pairings.
Part 14 continued... )
Comments 4
I also must admit that I'm looking forward to more romantic interludes and more exciting superhero action. I wonder if Babe really can fly and what awesome display Webster is going to make when he tries to rescue Malarky.
You had a misspell in the part where Winters was talking to Nixon: "I understand. Better THAN you do."
And lol at the misspell notice just because I probably have a TON more in there because I tend to get neglectful towards the ends of the chapters (having been constantly reading over it) but I will for sure fix thanks :)
I confess, some times, I skip down immediately to the parts with Lipton and Speirs because daaaaaaaamn this is seriously awesome. The way you characterise them and their relationship is extremely good. Also, Lipton is seriously precious and I wibble at hiiiiiiimmmmmmm
PLEASE DON'T STOP also more (Speirs/)Lipton would be great but don't listen to me and do as you wish
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