Dec 22, 2008 11:39
...So, yeah, I sorta dropped off the face of the planet for a bit. Or at least, it seems so, if you look at the activity over here and realize I haven't even read anything for over a month now.
It's the dual punch of things got busy at work, and it's the holidays. Holidays make me want to pull my head inside my personal shell like a turtle and stay there until about February. I know that's not very Holiday Spirited of me, but there you are.
To sorta bring things up to date, I had a gatrillion patients to bring in for their yearly visits after not seeing anyone while I sorted out stupid database trouble, which meant some pretty long hours at work. Long for me, anyway. I don't know how people who work full time manage to have any kind of life at all, much less take care of things like house work.
I did more face recognition testing, and joined a forum for the perennially lost. That's actually where most of my meager writing effort has been focused, telling people about how I got lost at work a few weeks ago and that butterflies have apparently the same importance to my brain as faces and so are remembered about as well. And I am not a butterfly expert. The fMRI is looking to happen sometime in January.
My elderly cat has stopped using the litterbox with any kind of reliability at all, and has now been confined semi-permanently to Cattica. This breaks my heart in many ways, but there is only so much property and furniture damage I can stand before something has to be done. At least I no longer have to keep her in the laundry room all day, as I managed to reinforce the cat enclosure (now known as Cattica) so that her previous escape routes are no longer viable. She can at least see me, and that seems to keep her from becoming too desperately unhappy, but gone are the days when she could roam the house and sit in the sun at her own discretion. And now I'm tearing up about it again, so I think we'll move on to another topic.
I had a lovely Thanksgiving with my in-laws, and then came back and had belated Thanksgiving with my parents. I had THOUGHT I had the perfect Christmas gift for them, the extended release of WallE, because how could they not be utterly charmed by the little robot hat dance? Only to discover during the course of the meal that they hated the movie, so there goes that idea. @.@ (If you needed proof that my parents are aliens with no concept of human emotions, there ya go.)
I also stabbed a turkey breast of my own with a syringe that looked like it belonged in a horror movie, and it was so much fun I think I'll be trying that again with other meats. My husband is a little terrified of me in the kitchen now.
Almost all the shows I developed affections for have now been canceled, Pushing Daisies, Eli Stone, My Own Worst Enemy. I'm waiting for the same to happen to Chuck, and David Tennant stepping down from being the Doctor isn't the end of the Time Lord, but it does make me quail a little inside. Okay, a lot inside. At least Life remains, and the new Leverage show is pretty awesome. Burn Notice will be coming back soon, and then there will be too much awesome of the spy/espionage sort, but I will not care.
And that's all that I can think of for the moment. Hope anyone who is still reading this is having a happy excuse for a vacation!