Apr 25, 2009 14:42
I ran across an old notebook a little while ago, and inside it I had written a list of things I believed in or thought were important or I dunno just interesting. Some of'em are pretty good, some are kinda funny, and so I thought I might share them here, in no particular order:
Honesty is not always the best policy. If your truth is going to cause someone grief to no purpose, keep it to yourself.
You will hurt the people you love. They will hurt you. Believe the best of them anyway.
Chocolate is proof of God.
You can never have too many shoes. But given the chance, go barefoot.
There is nothing Man Was Not Meant to Know. There are some things he's too dumb to figure out, but that's an entirely different problem.
Government should stay out of our churches and our bedrooms. And frankly, vice versa.
You cannot hold a war on a noun.
Organ and body donation is the last good thing you can do in this world. If you can't do anything else, you can at least do that.
One of the true joys of modern life is driving with the radio on, singing at the top of your lungs.
You could do a lot worse for advice on life than listening to the guy who reads Wear Sunscreen.
I believe in the individual. I trust the group not at all.
Given the vastness of the universe, I have to believe there is/was/or will be intelligent life elsewhere. By the same token, I think that it is irrelevant-- the chance of ever crossing paths with them is so small as to make it so.
The reasons of "that's how it's always been done", "I'm just doing my job", or "I was following orders" are never sufficient. That doesn't mean the actions are wrong, only that action without thought is.
Sanity is a continuum-- push someone hard enough and anyone is capable of breaking.
Being happy is not the same as being comfortable. Being comfortable is not the same as being happy. But they are often confused for each other.
If there ever was a battle between Superman and the Doctor, the Doctor will always win. Yes, he is just that much better. And also, Superman is a dick.
The amount of etiquette required to avoid insult or offense being taken is in direct inverse relationship to the love between parties involved.
Love doesn't triumph over all, heal all wounds or solve all the world's problems. If you think it is lessened by that at all, you are wrong.
And there you have it, in a nutshell. Basic beliefs and truths I hold dear, make of them what you will.