on thinking

Jul 04, 2009 23:29

I'm trying to sort some thoughts out, and am using this as a bit of a whiteboard. Unless there are comments, the entry may be edited or deleted.

First - all of our thinking patterns are essentially sloppy, mostly uncommented code. Much of it we write on the fly, as we realize that in this situation, it would be better to have a response than to say um, and follow the herd politely.

Following the herd and being polite are both darned useful default behaviors to put in early. It is generally better to have a more optimized behavior, but the ability to just laugh with everyone else, get in line for necessities with everyone else, stay in the herd to find a relatively safe place ..

lazy is a very vital setting for human functioning. Our bodies aren't perfect, nor are our minds, going all the time wastes precious resources, and we haven't survived till now doing that. You have to have it, and you have to have ways of overcoming it appropriately. Some can overcome with motivations, such as money, family, self preservation, ethics of getting a job done right, or whatever it is for them..

last thought before sleepy.
we edit our code-base regulatory, working on it with people is like bringing in an experienced developer briefly.
Culture is a common codebase we can each work from till we write something we like better.

too asleep, ttys.
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